Saturday, December 6, 2008
Take 2:
Snap slickened slice, black pryex cannisters
schlop and shred we read that theremin sound
Racks of tracked and marked masks mill and
twist correlated with arcs and signs
symbols denoting, through complex combination,
the particular shade of leather I can cut from you
the parabola of your folded knee
the bezier surface denoting the subtle deformation of
the crest of your right cheekbone
INBRED basilisk chimeraize in clades, folding inward
exacting fixed precision contortions with cropped
ACT in short stutters: GAC,
TAG (you are it for this small body)
CAT(aclysm for thistledown thrumming slowly away)
don't overexert
stripped of body of late I crisp slickly, wet ash
corroborating the snowy descriptions, soaked in a liter
of my favorite vodka
Thursday, December 4, 2008
small tributaries aggregating to unsimulated sun-splash
Were simple clusterings folded again? I repeat myself
Were smple clusterings folded again? I have forgotten
Tracked and folded and flashed, hashed, pyrogenetic blast
darwin whipped to flame on the operating table of blender and bug eyed
microscope-ing igor accruing more and folding it blast by blast
under the hood of the thousands and crackling with current lets
big blue deeply drive and pass the splices paste the pieces brightly
back to one
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tin and Trouble
Lines through cracking stacking thorn and stumble
once upon once upon once the thin track wickering
and slack track slips and trips fast
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A bad poem
Fashioned pattern pallid points the last sweet tracks
on carotid stunts and making mast the last of new and
moored the making placing pacing drakes to orbit none.
Freeman fashioned most unabashed marking mix with labelled tongue
undermining fortune finding fastened by the clattered strum
last and most the practiced post makes mastered augury undone.
I am cordial ever more and making last the past must be.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
By Appointment Only
summoned a new sound
Yesterday I crisped the edge of my thumb with match-flame
Yesterday, it was a sullen saturday with all its
marbled sunlight cracking on the faults of my
eye-glasses, I noticed that when the tip of my
tongue touched my taught lip, it made the hum
of a deep reed and smelled like nothing I have known
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
With the rattle planet
once machine and crack filament on longitude and latitude
crack filament on fistule and firmament, crack
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mad Jennie
In stumble-upon fashion I cluster my fingers
and run them
un-confounded moles tunneling through the mass
her clumped hair
Foreign to mass, shifted cobs and webs locking
where there are dark crops, their curious
same-style seams, coded at every level
and farm fashion
mollifies simple hares in finger form thumping
the coarse ground by her seat on the
crop circle's curve
Shadeways slip down corn alleys and in their
recesses a cat eye cuts the darkness with a
glint - ominous, as her favored mouse glances,
doubts, and is devoured
Friday, October 10, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Cancel my subscription, please
clutched in gordian splendor, convex code-spiders crawl
we've walked before infrequent. cashackle, don't fall
and adumbraTe tOrpid ogreS curled in root knot
beneath the calloused tree's many million cancered rhizomes
stretching frenetic for mortuary funds and falling forms
overcome from shatreem, follow now, follow, watch un
crass and martyr slums folding and cracking weakening
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Foil and Fire
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Seven Fly the wicked track
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mild Mistress
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Older Things Than These
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Caol Illa
His marbled thighs shift in the shade-play under flapped flags
flagging mortems license postulant. Knock-tooth, unperturbed
Monday, August 11, 2008
Halsted & Diversey
red red green
and now washing away in stunted streams
rolled lines laughing darkly
the sky dreams a snarl of morning
foliage flimsy and for small stutters of
brack breath: the last winds foiled
in the crush of the streets
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Core lines
long rolling laterals, shifted slowly. Arched tension, bridges of
cut iron ten thousand degrees of rotation, torque, flimsy things on
Arbiter, what is this you shout so sonorously. Ponderous. Plodding.
Snipped under lines of sturgeon. Snipped under cannon fire. The sharp
rat tat of flipping wire. Boatswain, what have you done?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gwen, vivacious warbles with it smoothing now slowing
sweet orbits arranged in strides the length of cannon echoes
repeated in tongues; a round.
Table that thought, mixed into new nones. Final fright and lost
How cannily he sings, his tongue locked in step with the evening
shivering outward her tune tasks the air where once solemn
ministers rounded. Carmine and Leather. Softly now.
Dearest neck, why do you fade so pale
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
last dream of gordian
still twined with sleep / I am waiting with storied slenderlings laxing broadly
folded in curved articles of string
Foundry smoke drifts under, Lasts for more, colder, whisped smoothly in
flimsy rhizomes. warbled, a soot robin. marked overland limping /She
orders from the side menu when they look over quiet strands
Grasp thin spinarettes between warped
Thursday, July 3, 2008
For some slipped drinks
She called to me across the in
On the backwash I buzzed, rifled
Cordelion dreams. A dandelion stretched
in rifled roughland
Where in dreaming do stretched roughlands
She called to me under
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Lifting they correlate, laughing they perpetuate annotate thistledown bows of snow.
Warbled once, this song I am always singing.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I am not quite sure where you are going.
Funnel fast, lifted and stacked into dr
if tunnels sung under lapsed shards
morbid and mentally indulged, flame-broiled
Garden drank fast and lifted up its foundry
Fortune fins, lapsed martin, minked
dunes of latitude
for many years we have marked superposition
Suppose landing. Suppose finned morbidity.
Fish shapes torque.
There is twisted sanguinity and darkly undercores drip.
Fantastic as mortuary stones. Stones which once held manifest
Artisans shape, shifting hands slicken the surface, face facsimile
Laft, Laft again with cracked carbon lace, with diamond drapes
argonauts lisping up to treasure. Frau Frau. Addendums, orbits.
Fundament, if this is a
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Tonight I wrote Ten Poems
Eventually, I didn't want them to be.
I had a glass of wine, and brought my guitar upstairs
Slowly time passed.
Afterwards, I could not remember when the slick tips of my fingers had cracked
the last of their callouses. The long wear sheared them down till I could
feel the strings hum to the bone.
a perched oscine
fillings cracked again.
Sorry sir, we'll have to drill.
Yes sir, rest, the nurse will be with you shortly.
These are hard prompts
write a vintage poem
Write a trip-hop poem.
Write a poem that splinters and fractures.
Write a painfully shy poem.
Write a MadLib poem.
Write an apprehensive poem.
Write a poem that deals with modern issues in antiquated language or style.
Alternatively, write a poem that deals with old/antiquated material with very
modern language or style.
Write a splintered poem.
write a poem that never takes an easy path.
write a skint poem
write a poem that is "the opposite of poetry".
write a "background" poem or a poem that doesn't call attention to itself.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I am tired of writing poems
I am tired of corrupted snarls of cold language, writhed into aphasia, morbidly meaningful.
I have constructed for you a quotidian structure. Liftlike, shiftily, you kite with me.
I have established this labyrinth and from it extrapolate the universe. Boldly I impose upon you.
a long draft slips formidably down God's thorax.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Narrow. Window. Frames.
Fox-prints scatter the snow, a red brush uncurls leaving embers of fur coiled amidst the white.
Warble unrounded, fissures of tongue, mountains of marbled tension, Davidic intensity.
In the cracked fields of Carthage, young wolves fondly sing "ring around the rosy"
Narrow Window Frames
Under-guarded. Groaning unfinally.
Craftily, Cleverly, think and uncurl slowly.
Warble unrounded, fissures of tongue, mountains
of marbled tension, Davidic intensity.
Salted, fondled roundly under the corner of another
By Joseph Berger
Streetcar Named Desire," Tom Oppenheim has wondered whether Tennessee Williams chose the name as an insider's bouquet to Mr. Oppenheim's grandmother Stella Adler, the teacher who instructed the definitive Stanley, Marlon Brando, in her version of the Method.
wn e s hrd Stnley Koaiski bo "Sta!" ovr th years in ase prductions of "Stretcr Nam Desire," T Oppeneim has ondd whhr Tennesee William chos th nme s a insidr's buque to Mr. ppei's grndmohr Stl Adlr, teacher who insructd h definiiv Stey, Ml Brado, in h versin of Method.
A Love Poem
license as "Baffled in Inquiry" with a screen-stammer
of Times New Roman fluttered to AIM, out-mouthed, "For
you, my darling, I would be blocked forever"
This notion would haunt him, years later. And from
his stretched vocal's reproduce this, a curdled splash of senti-
ment, yet curving around the edges in the
currency of the lymphoma carefully confining him to the
edges of his hospital bed. His heart crusted the web with its
languishments, trying to find her screen name again.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Vexed with wittled stone
Oubliet, antagonism in the shape of a wilted tongue.
Graftily situated.
Moreover, upon clinical analysis we find whisper ways
of rhythm undermining listed drifts. Impotently exorcised.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Beri-beri wasn't all that bad
Mothballs, Marbles, Long Necked Nags, A roll of duct tape, black ink
Adjourned on all sides
liltstuck. Staccatoed. Pigeon Toed underincentive.
Abdicated libidanide, cyanide, striveways, driveways.
Domestically we unwrap
each careful word lingering along n-heptane links strains pitches. Sound-spider
will weave a dream-catcher into a thick rhizome, strictly spreading its Orwells until Graphically we are all kept
Monday, April 7, 2008
Fashioned with my clattering hand
the eternities to my trembling centerpiece. Hum, sizzle internals, vacuum tubes en-
raptured orbiting long ellipses, electron snarls. Dribble up, slick percolation, the dra-
gnet gnat fleshing in marbled mysticism. This is the sphere. This is the deep sight.
Furtive, spasmodic, lifted crispings. Riven, mystic slips. I am warped into these long
drechways. Folded coded, drammed. Obelisk to my topography. Tabbed into the
slick structures under which my dark machine rumbles slowly into buzzlife. Fortunate
in ascii aesthetic. Graft algorithmically. Grip slip. Annotated limberings spark on many
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thrashling Borders
Leven bread basked.
Shiftly we more. Shiftly we masticulate, wastrel wimpers.
Formidable lashings. Inverted lengths.
Tell me this: were you ever once without that dramiat?
Arrow lines lip. Slip lifted. Here sit we, waiting. Ford.
Drive to the baskway, shift back ward things down.
Leftly, miserate, canine crisping. Wait slowly and be well.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
To Zachris: Landing
I look out over the dark stillness of hte lake as I do every night. Above me the stars sit, stagnant again. Over the smoldering of Mt. Perun, I watch the electric lights of the landing field waiting, like me, for space-time to fall. Waiting, in their electric way, for you.
You are late, Zachris. You are always late, but this is the longest it has been. I hear from you so seldom, even over the transmitter. Faster than light travel, you say, makes keeping in touch almost impossible but I wonder if you are not, perhaps, escaping me. I try to keep in the same time-line as you, going to the spinners to keep myself young, losing so much time wandering through relative space, doing research. Still, it doesn't help; nothing is perfect. You come back, as you sometimes do, and I find we have aged slightly differently. Your birthday has moved a few months, you are a year older than I expected; these things are difficult for us.
I throw stones across the water as I wait, watch them eventually fall. Some skip more than ten times before they sink.
The sky brightens, distracting me - your ship finally coming down. It plummets too quickly. I see the signal tower flash as your course changes, watch the waves crest and break over the bow of your ship in its fierce surface violation. Already, I am running to the evac-mech, thanking the stars for the training, for the watch. The metal of the suit closes its cold energy about me. I dive into the water, my body braced. I dive to your ship. My sheathed fingers claw the ash from your sarcophagus. I find hte seam then, grab the lock on it and swim upward with sweeping strokes. Urgent sounds are blaring in my head, sounds that mean you might be dying or are dead. The sirens pummel my ears with the dying sound, the wail. I pull your finned sarcophagus to the surface. It parts the waters, leaves its dark wake. A word play shifts unbidden through my head, and I contemplate the cruelty of gallows humor.
The waves of my passing break against the shore at the Dover slate mill. I leap, my mechanical self lifting high out of the water to the land. With metal sheathed fingers I tear at the seam. I tear open your sarcophagus and watch it spit you forth, watch your screaming face, the agony of new oxygen in your lungs.
Later, I love you, shudder with pleasure as I grip the place where your shoulder has grown a hump of hard metal and soft flesh, the place where the computer supplements the self. You stand, and I watch you hunch your back, and cradle your arm, touch the metal of your fingers, the fingers that had once been perfect, been pure flesh. I cry, watching you shiver, your back hunched over your deformity (hunched with your deformity). I too shiver, naked against the night, my back cold where it rests on the feet of hte machine which had saved your life.
"I am done with the stars," you say after some time. I sit silent, hiding my cautious pleasure, letting you think out loud. "I miss the smell of earth, of growing things." After a time you continue, "We can still work for the smeltery. The botany lab is open, and I can work metal to earn our keep."
"Yes, Zachris. It will be good to have you here." I caress the evac-mech's corrugated toe, and lean back into the softness of the lakeshore. Sleep envelopes us, sleep and the warmth of a past day's dawn, still trapped in the sand by the dark water lapping.
* * *
There are days we lounge in our gardens. Your skin is rough from the heat of the metal; the steel of your fingertips sometimes glows as you twist and shape the brilliant ore. The hair of your chest gradually bleaches blonde from the long days in the sun.
"Zachris," I savor the sound. these are good days, where you work the sheets of metal into fine tools, and we grow such things in our garden. The Daude machine cackles as it brings metal up from the earth; its swift pistons and clattering tracks provide a rhythm for our hours of work. Our world is one of music and rhythm, the smell of growing things, and the smell of heated metal.
Dark Matter
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Writing From Class
Roads (Portishead)
drip, cold dreams simper
cold, wistful simpers stick regardless
the clouds walking shadows through
Folded in and out in drastic constellations
correlations worshiping the vastness of each
small infinity, the language warps along
event horizons, black burbles, underskins
crisp starlets engender
faulty thimbles let in thick nettle pricks
piercing my firmament un-
shapely slenderings orbit in tight disarray
mock gowns gasp with slickening
open trays, regardless, of what they say
Build God, Then We'll Talk: Panic at the Disco
formaldehyde: I am three little piggies
drinking dasnickalates ribald colds and argued wristway sinks
Cordial drink:
Let this orbit excellent shiftways, corrug, corrug, corrug
ate this breach, basted brinklings walk walk
curvature of earth marks this
unsatisfactory sunrise
makes this
dribble dance
Intimate sordidity thoughtless slinkering formal
hyde and jekyl shifting their unthoughtof arguments
into slick new conscientiousness
slinking in parkways in thundertones and
shifting in devatante ligaments, boneways
rebuilding lost sanguinity
Panic - The Smiths
I wonder to myself
Scraggle shrinks suburban ordials
Lastly, this:
Mephistopholes was a friendly ghost, but I could never from him
get the time of thicket, or the measure of this drifting filament
Shankill Butchers
Don't, Don't mind the guggle mouth
the trickle mouth milk
gout lipped by the shank, the new mouth drawn
harsh liquid drawn
across maw flesh gasping gushes of
gasping gushes of gurgle
gasping of kosher
cutlings, giblets, cut away
thin thrashings feebling out and rivered
down into thickening pools of clot
Picking fingers
Guaranteed - Eddie Vedder
So I can breathe: clotleries, shifted snufts of oxy
So I can breathe: gravitas, heavy lungfuls
The far mercury cloud shivers, folding turbulences into
thick slick rain, washing with the temperate rise and fall
fistules from heaven to earth
Ghosts I - Nine Inch Nails
Formulated irrigation. Bubble up.
Brass. Bass lithography, shifted sign.
Warble on shrieked carpet.
Linger lisping.
Tour trumps with wind, shifted on coldplays, argonauts
stalking over a field of teeth.
I decline, I am crafted from salt.
I -
At the Zoo
Flat cat scuttles
Bacterian drafts
I argue slumps under orders from thick bristle boars
the Giraffes seem rather sincere
Goblets loft and lift drop and drink out timidly
Review: A Passage To India
The sky settles everything - not only climates and seasons but when the earth shall be beautiful. By herself she can do little - only feeble outbursts of flowers. But when the sky chooses, glory can rain into the Chandrapore bazaars or a benediction pass from horizon to horizon. The sky can do this because it is so strong and so enormous. Strength comes from the sun, in fused in it daily; size from the prostrate earth. No mountains infringe on the curve. League after league the earth lies flat, heaves a little, is flat again. Only in the south, where a group of fists and fingers are thrust up through soil is the endless expanse interrupted. Theses fists and fingers are the Marabar hills, containing the extraordinary caves." This descriptive deluge rides up in swells throughout the text, but is not the text itself. Unlike Hardy, whose descriptive heights carry on their wave-crests the peaks of his personal insights, Forster's human vision mixes well with a more colloquial style and permits him (with seamless transition) to shift from speech to thought to styled scenic depiction. This balance he quite thoroughly achieves, and no small detail disappears in the mixing. The symbolic language he achieves in his descriptive peaks he he recasts in his dialogues and interior-monologues and in all of this I was well pleased. The motives of the book are likewise excellent, a careful exploration of the points of friction in British India. His view refuses to be simple-minded, he carries up the complexities of the Indian factionalism, its unified conflict with the British, and presents a world of types, avatars of types, and complicators of types. His small infinities, twists of depth which permit unravelling and interpretation only so far as the mysteries they mist around, baffle attempts to categorize (and thereby reconquer) the India he presents. His pantheon of characters stress one another along surprising lines, Aziz, Fielding, Godbole and the presiding spirit of Mrs. Moore all mottle together along strange lines which need not fit expectation, follow the desires of the optimistic (or sadistic) reader, or mark anything other than an entirely real but intensely symbolic and ideological passage to, through, and from India.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wasted numbers ondrown, wist
ate the sacred number smarts with tracked
torpidities Where within withall
Classified in unthinking absolutions
Marked laceration trains
Chugged trump-bottle blasted glass
blown backhammer seminal slowings
Inundate inhale extricated from artisanic
dervish turns
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saratoga Springs
Breaks work wet withers, horseback browns.
Browned with Eskimo sun, sympathetic shrivel.
Shriveled raisin skins stammer out their last steam-breaths.
Breaths worked wetly, wasting under didactic corona.
In the creeping iris twists an eyeworm, slow fistula forming in its crawled path.
Prompts Once More
Courtesy Johanness Gorannson
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A poetic constellation might be interesting. I just thought of this so forgive the rough segue. Basically, you graph each word of a poem on two axis, harshness for one (because i've already developed a system for calculating phonetic harshness (albeit a crude one)) and, i don't know, length of words. Then you could sort of plot the path which a given poem wanders. This is a poor example because it wont supply a plot which moves by small increments (which would make the constellations interesting), but then again it might be an interesting exercise to attempt to produce small incremental jumps in a poem according to this constellation graphing.
Categorized Aesthetic
Elderberry Blues
Left back browned drowned doubt and drawn
Fortune favors, lost labours, minimizes the doubt and crazes
I don't quite
the leftover slight of hand
Grasp back smart rack left long down and round
I'm tracked worn black crafted blasted down
Grippers gators, entrance errors, going round and facing faster
I can't simple
where the sun shades sand
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fistulations and all those other inconveniences
Warbled rivers range and dopplerize. Caveat: willow winds attest to marbling in the intellectual sphere.
Right lane:
Fortunate allusions restructure, mitigate, untertwine. Whinge and fissure, prolonged embolic breaths.
Whetted on the back of my cracked hand
Argued and illuminated. Thinkgressions marked on slim soil. narrow land. an arrowed hand
lists under its feathered burden.
Dark sounds surveillance symbols lingering in fallow fields of leather. Sordid corvee, conscription
on the order of
Ore abounds and whispers sounds of grey galvanization. Thumped, thudded, a ruse of little tendency. Whetted on the back of my cracked hand.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I have no idea why I just wrote this
your outstanding patent. Please forgive the inopportune interruptions to your review,
they are the result of a great deal of litigation surrounding the processing of work
which does not quickly move through the arbitration process. Ta bron orm.
Not Quite
mourning foliage
I am not crying
gallow wings unfurl under lowing
Soft Poem
soot trees sway under
soot trees sway and twist under
soot trees under way sway and twist
tree soot sunders yaws and twists
orbital entrails overcome me
Monday, March 10, 2008
Babylon Round
Earnest labels elaborate
build in treble tongues
eclipse the rebel twinnings
error gongs
Fallen liquors adumbrate
clear a cuckold lung
fishup on arid dammings
follow songs
Guarded liners fascinate
drip down ladder rungs
gallop with wastrel rimmings
golem wrongs
Cordially We Request Your Assistance
Mark the place in the
new markup language
Mark the place where
we under cut the linguiscape
Too straightforward unmouths
read out the catacomb of tongues mark
genealogies of salt sums and roman
payments made
centurion centuries marched
marked march upon march of years where
april never once grimaced a great war
smarts and drunks trunk their gathered
smart tacks lifted
wounds that only this language knows
the final gap of
Harsh lines this elegant machine spins
hard sparks and with brute mechanic
marks a path through future flurries and
Smooth swan shapes, the curvature of
clouded desire and drake dreams slip
soft structures shifting smoothly
snow brushed
Here we think of something less manageable, the acreage of desire.
What trappings must we then consider? Let us calmly evaluate,
deriving establishments and eroneous echoes. Find me
unflattered. Follow down the sychophantic trips of tongue.
The textsured effluence undermines us. Watching weaves irrigate
the unfounded desires of flesh and simply evaluated leave the
underquotient finality.
Flippant toggles hold together the arguments of cloth and cold,
worship briskly at fingertips, film of water and skated simplicity.
Disengage the outlaw similes that water down.
Disengage the long shore pipes of plastic preference.
Disengage the meaning of these emblematic instruction sets.
Disengage the meaning of these emblematic instruction sets.
Lab trumpets formulate
this response. Know with stiff certainty the marsh-water proclamation of driftwood calculus, waiting only
coordinate-systems away.
Imperfect mapping contorts along beetle brows gesturing at
shift-sand continuities and limits approaching
anything but evening rain and
tide swept shins
under unbalanced
Fallow Cities Lay in Florid Decadence
Where ellipses waved in the long grass
glass shimmers under ordinances evoked
by impassioned cannon
smooth worked arguments, sanded away
under epoxy undulations thoroughly
shifting this cold and ungrammatical construction
departed orientals make flippant breaks
subtle languishments forward backtraces
establish close rapports and nod in
Feral Shinfish Awkwardly Engaged
Arguably we finish our statements with some prejudice.
This is understandable, being a biproduct of our excellence, the
shinfish markings which muddle and force an awkward exchange.
Engaged with fixed pixelations and corralled embolisms furtive
cuts elapse the damming encrusted with arborial efforts and
exoskeleton similes.
Folded Plates
fin-mouts iasc about undertows toes and
fsck the clean file founds the market mounds
aah, slip back breaks these folded plates
these ceramic shells for shells for shells for games
under which of when put me by
castle break, hassle, jostle, snake the last make
margins, make fold fins that iasc about the
task set for this idiot machine
clean, yourself
clean this made of magnet minnows
swimming upended embolism, magnamism
brisk baffles electric with eel spun
wire tongues clean yourself
put back this order pot this kettle of
curbside spatter, tongue clatter
clean, yourself defrag flag emblem mag
net liom mask makes the last I'm
Found on a Red Checked Table Cloth Last Wednesday
The elbows of the ground are bending now.
The slipstream earth bowls down. Berry red
boils down, the firebed.
I am not crying. Shifted salt is merely finding
salt lines in my suede shoes. Topographical
etchings mark my rise and fall.
Loosely the marks of map burn away, under
my lens-light. Sharp glass cuts the fission air.
Fire flirts under the political oracle, smoke.
Somewhere oceans are receding, peeling
under this new mountains pretentions. Peak
tops jut, cut. Scalpels mark red lines in some
fecund cadaver. Its hundred thousand maggot
children crest like sea foam round the flecked
face of the knife.
I have seen you for the first time, as she bleeds
out around my hunch-form.
(ashamed of its death gaze)
Musk murmurs catalepsy until dusk clouds grow pinions
and take heavy flight
Lap. Bask. - Dogs filing under burdened skies and trying
on each others slys
Baffelapse, eyes wide forward dead crow rooster anosmic
Basilisk, shy under pertinent styes
How we learned to dance like this
Metronome blocks talk. They talk about
where they were when you were where
they are.
Swinging back and forth through their
rhythmic temporal necessities
Burrow animals, moles and badgers
brush dark dust in your rolling slouch
slump in time with
august bodies, may rollings, simple
slump shuffle the awkward eclipse of
circling limbs and
april climbs the live
slipped through mole-holes
through power lines
If Undefined
There is a grey mouth.
There is a dark tongue.
Small wire snares fill the blank screen's innards.
Watchwords pull mindful drawstrings.
Eclipsed sequences establish concurrency.
Casual clutter lines the dialog halls, but somewhere reserve words encapsulate the icons of current events.
There is a drake mouth -
A maw from which mammonic rhetoric lisps in flame tongues across flickering shoji,
A cavemouth murmur that corresponds in mason signs until the vestigial smarting elapses.
Lipsong Tonguetrip
I'm a troubadour lip
midship -
fast last past mast broken
cast this row unraking slaking deep
Shipped drip
cast the whip on dolphin backs
the waves crack for me
Updraft birds cackle smartly
Updraft birds impede and slip
Updraft birds embrace the shipstream
stiff upper
grip this lipsong tonguetrip
Bone marrow twist marrow
wheel barrow we'll borrow this under
smooth skies tomorrow we'll
Fawk talk the slick hawk of my
intellect is goshawk west ways
where there underclass crass mice
slice sweet prairie eyes to
wanderlust us
Must brush the back back
tour the track where simple symbols
engorge embrace I trace my
whole line down to one
fine pin thin things all
come together muddle fuddle
slip the tongue the quantum bubble
pops to waveform foam
soma stone this undertone
this copper drone
cancels doubt
ribbed rout. Persian rugs,
political drugs exclaim
inhalant sympathies that fail to
moan the octave
under tone, undertow
Marrow makes me fallen fakes me
out and tracks the backs bubble
bun fun where hair sprung lets
fade out, run rout, cast out
I'm done
Etched with sharp shards,
flint knife grates in hasty furrows
marks its place and tracks tracks
that twist and scrape the secret simple name
Glass flows slowly - time tugs, contorts
and lengthens, lowers the watchword
the crisp ice of fallen frost forms in webs
catches on lingering letter's ledges
Finally faded, the thick bottom bulge of
many centuries sitting shows a single twisted
syllable, writhed to aphasia
Back up, Step up, Hup Hup up
grip the lack of the limp stump stop
com down calm down clam up
thrup fill bag gone, gack, fact
There is no time that will exactly replicate the lost moments of today.
We are emblematically emphatically lost, but cannot go our own way.
Shiftback flap-stack meth
odicate drip-date markings
stalkings slippings flippings
frenetic clippings tripping
car alarms
Primary Key
There found they him
his Rory was a
wistful wash the
long twists of his
hair undone the
carmichael cost
almost nothing, just
a promise
His absent art showed
conspicuously round
undecorated walls
I do not remember or forget.
Knowledge knocked, etched,
edged round doors
and managed itself away
of him, Rory, I unknow
I will reserve judgement for the time being.
Slowly I am falling back to sleep,
And in a few moments will be finally
underwater guitar, where you could play
yourself perfect surfing weather, or another
tsunami, depending on how much
you liked Nirvana.
One day I would smile at you and consider
carefully the absenteeism implicit in congregational
homogeneity, and you would probably be baffled.
Thinking this sort of thing seems to distract.
Perhaps another sortie into punctuation, spelling, capitalization
Another guitar thing would be to find the perfect equation
for deriving, from chord mutings punctuation. I would use
this technique to programmatically derive the exact musical
texture of the Declaration of Independence.
I suspect that this tool would discourage conventional musicians
who were likewise attempting to derive its precise and unamibiguous
But I would not mind the sitar; it has tones we have not
properly accounted for.
If played under water it might conjure a mystic cycle of sea urchins
or spike your drink
or call my brother late at night
and ask him whether he's ever had sex
Spearmint Tongues
at strange pressures
purses, steams cold
they too
Saint Mary burbling in slight waters
Whistle wisps uncurl and film the sudden cool
I keep shark leather underskin
Argument lisps and listens with submerged splashing
Unmade the wash
Drank the filament
And permitted the light to consume my undertongue
Shifts of collar light marked the fin shapes and curled my tucked
probiscus beneath glow worm gills
I have but one last ell
of eloquence left
Dunn Irrigables Flow Swiftly to Me
Tripped on lines
the fast thinking thuds
and stumbles over its
overwheeling feet
and falls to simple
slushing stuttered stop
still pond gathers
its soiled serpents
its failing flies
its dark clouds and muck-moss
land fills slowly
those gaps which cannot run
to clean sea
and cluttered
word ways
dam shifted stanzas
On the lips of a sweet skimway there stands
He is human enough, measuring with tongue
the length and breadth of some rational planet
Reading the land as the earth grows thin,
near the edge, by heaven and hell this thin
soil, not much stratified, disturbed
Salivary shapes murk the thin isotopes
of his teeth, enamel geography,
from the crushed bicuspid they extract
a place of paleolithic origin
where you are from, human
(thin) enough
Thoroughly Waiting in Absense
Thunderous epigraphs allowing
what was wondered for so long as
Follow low the dervish spins the
arrow row in fence hedge grow
Creeping reel simply evening
Awkwardly embrace, kiss,
fall back down again
Mandarin grins rim our courtyard
where the shadows postulate upon
our true natures, discuss our relation
to the cloth-thick night
Disjointed sounds, I listen to your lips
Disjointed sounds, I listen to your lips
I. Under meager skies wistwood sm-igeons mock and twist and tongue and beak engrace engorge a fragile race of undertonnage smiles.
II. Under cryogenic rivers lurefish deploy lightning lamps and would have gapmaw slander on all their corpses.
III. Elegiac gasps loose undulations by which the sympathetic magic of remembrance and recovery might be furthered.
IV. Deviant scuttlefish misalign, thwart cosmopolitan principalities of flying fish from their airborn eruptions, consumptions.
V. Gull food. Quiphemeral memorial. Solipsis.