Saturday, December 6, 2008


Evidentiary research remarks facility in

Take 2:
Snap slickened slice, black pryex cannisters
schlop and shred we read that theremin sound

Racks of tracked and marked masks mill and
twist correlated with arcs and signs
symbols denoting, through complex combination,

the particular shade of leather I can cut from you
the parabola of your folded knee
the bezier surface denoting the subtle deformation of
the crest of your right cheekbone

INBRED basilisk chimeraize in clades, folding inward
exacting fixed precision contortions with cropped

ACT in short stutters: GAC,
TAG (you are it for this small body)
CAT(aclysm for thistledown thrumming slowly away)
don't overexert

stripped of body of late I crisp slickly, wet ash
corroborating the snowy descriptions, soaked in a liter
of my favorite vodka

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