Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Quick Post

Rather than doing any live editing tonight I thought I'd actually try to write something new. This is sort of spur of the moment and I have no idea how it's going to turn out, so wish me luck.

catalysts, these things, they're strewn about
the conscious stream unspurs and rounds
unsure, cocked an angry hammer, a single sound
crashed and bludgeoned through the waiting
air and arrested the boy in its thunder

on falling he foamed at the mouth
and pink bubbles gurgled, trickled, slipped out
slick steps, bright vigor

I'm not going to think too much about this one for now, or comment on how I feel about it. It took about 5 minutes to write, and is still completely raw and unworked. Perhaps tomorrow I'll address it and try to make it into something more polished.

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