Tuesday, April 15, 2008

By Joseph Berger

When he has heard Stanley Kowaiski bellow "Stella!" over the years in assorted productions of "A
Streetcar Named Desire," Tom Oppenheim has wondered whether Tennessee Williams chose the name as an insider's bouquet to Mr. Oppenheim's grandmother Stella Adler, the teacher who instructed the definitive Stanley, Marlon Brando, in her version of the Method.

wn e s hrd Stnley Koaiski bo "Sta!" ovr th years in ase prductions of "Stretcr Nam Desire," T Oppeneim has ondd whhr Tennesee William chos th nme s a insidr's buque to Mr. ppei's grndmohr Stl Adlr, teacher who insructd h definiiv Stey, Ml Brado, in h versin of Method.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.