Monday, August 22, 2011

DId I stutter?

liftup throats speak without rote write rhythms with cough
and throatrasp

cut spitting with notes and smacked track lines down like
vinyl trim, cut deep, whipped in circles, screech scratch

like throats speak kitch clips and grasp passing like a hungry
cough, spasming up soundful and eager for the world
a birthing, a cacophone spirit to eat up healthful air

Latch left open. Is it a beckon? In slips still sticking licks
lipping and all

Another memory cannot be unsaid or the grey lines webbing
to thought on synapsed silica still membered but better dis, better

like a drum, like a broken guitar, like a conveyer belt snapped and
stuttering in terrible strikes tearing and torquing and covered in blood
this tongue this never-unsaying

cuts as into vinyl vicious enumerations:
1. < a name should not be written >
2. < this worlds materials are caltrops or, perhaps, cannon lined before me >
3. < no northwest passage, and when it comes, descendants watch with fear >

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