Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Tongue tied tight, knot slipped, slick words a-tumble
tripping answer by stilt, by silt, by the slippery clay --
would that each enumeration stumbled so well.

Behind, staccato like changing minds,
staggered power-train tempos (catching heart-stutter, breathe pretty now)
and slips spinning off in violent loops and cluster-
cudgels blowing back macadam and bones beneath.

intended. precisely placed.

anesthetic and aesthetic an-aesthetic
governed by:
At the time of slaughter, animals should be healthy
and psychologically normal. For the immobilization of bovines
a blow to the skull with a large-sized hammer is still
being practised, in particular in developing countries.
The method requires only manual force, no maintenance
of equipment or spares as cartridges, and is therefore cheap.

wanton is a calibration table.
ticked each linear, regressing towards tacit disagreement.
gap for quiet, like a capacitor - two hands not quite clapping
each almost building becomings. When mouths empty echo
chambers with momentum inauspicious and deafening
on the thunderroom, a blanket on wormed wool, a
pillow for

spread wide
and full up of torque, angular momentum, spin
entangled till everything is one ugly quantum knot,
collapsing a moment's moment from absolute zero
a tick, miscalibrated kelvin

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