Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Writing From Class

In Poetry today we wrote poems to several songs. Here are the results.

Roads (Portishead)

drip, cold dreams simper
cold, wistful simpers stick regardless
the clouds walking shadows through

Folded in and out in drastic constellations
correlations worshiping the vastness of each
small infinity, the language warps along
event horizons, black burbles, underskins

crisp starlets engender
faulty thimbles let in thick nettle pricks
piercing my firmament un-

shapely slenderings orbit in tight disarray
mock gowns gasp with slickening
open trays, regardless, of what they say

Build God, Then We'll Talk: Panic at the Disco

formaldehyde: I am three little piggies
drinking dasnickalates ribald colds and argued wristway sinks

Cordial drink:

Let this orbit excellent shiftways, corrug, corrug, corrug
ate this breach, basted brinklings walk walk
curvature of earth marks this
unsatisfactory sunrise
makes this
dribble dance

Intimate sordidity thoughtless slinkering formal
hyde and jekyl shifting their unthoughtof arguments
into slick new conscientiousness
slinking in parkways in thundertones and
shifting in devatante ligaments, boneways
rebuilding lost sanguinity

Panic - The Smiths

I wonder to myself
Scraggle shrinks suburban ordials
Lastly, this:

Mephistopholes was a friendly ghost, but I could never from him
get the time of thicket, or the measure of this drifting filament

Shankill Butchers

Don't, Don't mind the guggle mouth
the trickle mouth milk
gout lipped by the shank, the new mouth drawn
harsh liquid drawn
across maw flesh gasping gushes of
gasping gushes of gurgle
gasping of kosher
cutlings, giblets, cut away
thin thrashings feebling out and rivered
down into thickening pools of clot
Picking fingers


Guaranteed - Eddie Vedder

So I can breathe: clotleries, shifted snufts of oxy
So I can breathe: gravitas, heavy lungfuls
The far mercury cloud shivers, folding turbulences into
thick slick rain, washing with the temperate rise and fall
fistules from heaven to earth

Ghosts I - Nine Inch Nails

Formulated irrigation. Bubble up.
Brass. Bass lithography, shifted sign.

Warble on shrieked carpet.
Linger lisping.

Tour trumps with wind, shifted on coldplays, argonauts
stalking over a field of teeth.

I decline, I am crafted from salt.

I -

At the Zoo

Flat cat scuttles
Bacterian drafts
I argue slumps under orders from thick bristle boars
the Giraffes seem rather sincere
Goblets loft and lift drop and drink out timidly

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