Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Newest Prompts from Poetry Class

So, sorry these are bit late. (they're valentine's day themed, in case you couldn't tell)

1. Write a love poem by focusing on objects (see Mina Loy).

2. Write a love poem using words found from another book (Paradise Lost for example, or your text.

3. Write a love poem that begins "The dark vaccination candidates" (Celan)

4. Write an "anti-sonnet."

5. Write a "shattered sonnet."

6. Write about a disease.

7. Write a love poem based on collage of texts.

8. Write a love poem in which you become a stranger to own language (English, that is).

9. Write a love poem which is monstrous.

10. Write a love poem that is campy.

11. Write a distracted love poem.

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